The Oshara Sculpture Installation and Art Walk
An exploration of the land of Oshara and the artistic expression of sculpture

The Land
The location of the open space that would become the Oshara Sculpture Installation and Art Walk is bound on the north side by Willow Back Road, by a small arroyo on the south side and at the west end by the sewer plant road. The property is approximately 500 feet long east to west and 100 feet wide north to south.
In the early days of Oshara, 2006, this property was to have a museum and a sculpture park, as was shown on the original Master Plan filed with Santa Fe County. A later Master Plan Amendment showed 5 residential lots in this area. This option was abandoned due to the cost of installing the infrastructure required for dwellings. As a result, the Master Plan for the open area remained as dedicated open space owned by Century Bank. In 2021 this open space was legally transferred by Century Bank to the Oshara Home Owners Association. We are very grateful to Century Bank for this gift. The property must remain open space, which will allow its use for a sculpture garden, meandering walking trail, landscaping or trees.
So now what does Oshara do with this property? The HOA spent a year pricing out a fully equipped playground which the County had approved as a possible use of this area. When the total cost reached over $400,000 the HOA chose not to move forward. Several other concepts were investigated, but the HOA Budget would not have supported them. Thus, the property sat in waiting.
The Sculpture Installation
We met Rob Rikoon, local artist, visionary and sculptor in 2023. He had created several metal sculptures and wondered if we might be interested in adding them to our sculptures in the Oshara Plaza. The sculptures represented three of the world’s great religions, a fourth piece having been sold years earlier. He uses only repurposed metal. The HOA appreciated the inclusiveness of his belief in man’s ability to come together in respect and unity. An additional sculpture is located on the corner of Willow Back and Richards Avenue, facing the roundabout.
While visiting Mr. Rikoon at his studio, several HOA members who have been interested in the art that is in our Village noticed numerous metal half orbs 42” in diameter. (Imagine a very large tennis ball cut in half.) Rob then began to describe his vision of an installation of 10 large, fully round sculptures, two halves creating each orb. Each orb would depict a step in man’s evolution to enlightenment. This is part of the Zen Buddhist Ox Herder’s series, A Spiritual Journey. His vision was so well developed that he had already designed each of the planned orbs. He couldn’t have known that the HOA held land designed for such an art installation, but had no budget for such an undertaking. After much contemplation and discussion with the Oshara HOA Board of Directors, a mutually beneficial relationship was created.
Explore the Progress
Oshara Village invites you to take a stroll and explore this ongoing installation
In the summer of 2024, the first two orbs were installed. A custom-made picnic table and benches provided by Mr. Rikoon have been added, as well as the beginning of a trail system meandering through the property. The Sculpture Installation and Art Walk will take several more years before completion.