Community Members at Work

Oshara Village has a Home Owners’ Association Board made up of volunteer owners who are elected by the membership at our annual meetings. Volunteer HOA members serve 2 year terms and meet monthly to help formulate plans, solve problems, and budget resources. HOA board members also serve as chairpersons if specific committees and communicate between the board and their committees to oversee and facilitate specific projects. Board members also receive input from individual residents and help residents with specific needs and issues. If you are interested in joining the board please join our annual meeting to nominate yourself. You can also attend the monthly HOA Board meetings as a resident to learn of opportunities to volunteer without a board member committment.

George Brown


Beth Detwiler
Vice President & Secretary
OMDWA Committee

Lynne Keller

Community Relations

Paul thatcher

Board Member

Thea Hutchinson

Arts & Open Space Committee

Patrick Fischer

 Board Member

Kelly Klundt

 Board Member

Frank O’Mahoney 

Board Member

Oshara Village

Oshara Blvd, Santa Fe, NM 87508
(505) 995-3134

Sentry Managed HOA

Oshara Village works with 
Sentry Management

Sentry Management