Every home in Oshara Village is eligible to have a connection to the Oshara Village recycled water irrigation system. This recycled water, purified to federal reuse water standards, is produced from water that is treated at the Oshara Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is returned to the village to water trees and landscaping on common areas and private lots. The water is shared and at certain times of the year private landscaping may require supplemental watering. Always keep an eye on your plants and give supplemental watering if the line irrigation is not enough. This is often needed in the winter or with new plantings. Recycled water is a benefit to Oshara Village owners. Your sewer service charges from the Oshara MDWA do not go to pay for your reclaimed water irrigation.

Tips About Our Irrigation System

1) Irrigation lines are used from about mid-May to mid-October. Before the lines are filled and tested for leaks, you will be reminded by email to open the valve in your box, and to clean or replace your filter. There are several different styles of irrigation boxes that have been installed by builders. Homeowners should check your irrigation box and make sure your line stop cock is in the “on” position. That means the handle of the control in in line with the line itself. You could also check your filter to make sure it is clean. Then check to see if your emitters are dripping water when your zone is scheduled. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to fill the lines and for water to start dripping. Then it should drip for about 20 minutes after the end time, as the lines drain.

2) Irrigation is provided to 13 zones in Oshara, and you will be emailed a map so you can identify your zone and the schedule of the times when the irrigation will be available in your zone. You can also click Zoning Map link & Irrigation Schedule link below to download the PDFs.

3) This water is reclaimed from our treatment plant, is purified to standards appropriate for landscaping, and is not suitable for consumption. It can be used on trees, plants and shrubs, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. It is recommended not to use this reclaimed water on vegetables that are grown underground and have an edible skin like radishes, Jerusalem artichokes and potatoes, unless you plan to wash and peel these items.

4) By federal regulation, reclaimed water like ours can not be used in sprinklers. It should be used only on in-ground or ground-level emitters.

5) You should clean your filter regularly and wash out or replace emitters that are not working.

6) Do not take your filter off and replace with a hose to douse your landscaping. This kills the pressure in the line for all the neighbors on you zone so they can’t get water.

7) The HOA owns and maintains the lines. If you notice a leak or are not getting water, contact an HOA Board Member.

A few important documents

elow are several documents related to the recycled water irrigation system for the Oshara Village Community. Please review and download the PDFs if interested.

Guide for Oshara Residents on water conservation, wastewater reclamation and landscape irrigation systems 

Oshara Quick Reference Guide for Sustainable Water System

Oshara zoning map for recycled irrigation from the OMDWA. Download to view homeowner zones.

Oshara irrigation schedule by zone and date. Find your zone to determine your watering days/times

Oshara Village

Oshara Blvd, Santa Fe, NM 87508
(505) 995-3134

Sentry Managed HOA

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Sentry Management

Sentry Management